Within the world of physical therapy is a vast array of treatment styles, techniques and special training. After a masters or doctorate level education, continuing education courses are what shape the “art” of treatment for a therapist. If lucky enough to have the time, energy and drive, a therapist may commit to extended learning and courses that lead to obtaining a certificate or certification to treat, confirming the expertise in mind and hand of the PT. We are blessed to have a staff here that comprises of ART providers and Ironman treatment staff members, clinicians certified by the PT governing body, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) as Orthopedic Clinical Specialists, and Fellows of prestigious manual therapy residency programs as well. You will not find a single more concentrated and educated staff in the Chicago area, if not the Midwest. From biomechanics train of thought and assessment, to pain relieving fascial techniques, you can find it all here. Hands on… the difference ©.